Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Week 8 - Arcs

For this animation, we had to animate a robot and demonstrate arc movements. For this, I decided to give this a bit of a storyline. Here the robot headers a ball twice and loses it on the final hit. Arcs are demonstrated here by the forward swinging motion of the robots body. The base of the robot I animated in a way that it shows weight and that as the robot jumps forward, its base swings with the jump. This in effect gives the entire robot a 'swinging' action which is similar to how a golf swing would be. First the hit would build up momentum and then the shot would be taken. For this I did the same. The robot gets ready to jump and them jumps and whilst doing so, it brings its whole body forward whilst creating the 'drag' effect on its base. The ball was added to give make it a bit different from other animations and is just for show even though it is part of the short storyline.

One thing to note was that at the end of the animation when the robot puts its head down, the neck breaks off and flips backwards. This was not to do with me as this was out of my control. If it was, then it may be because I rotated the head too far and caused the neck spring to flip out but otherwise, there were no other issues. I enjoyed animating this as I found it challenging to do and I am happy with the final production.

One element I could improve on was the render. My choice of colours for the scene wasent the best but still is suitable since the main aspect I am trying to show is the animation and not the scene quality or render, although it would have been nicer and more appealing, its something I can later work on to improve.

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