Thursday, 18 February 2016

Week 4 - Slow in Slow out, Newtons Cradle

Above is my animation to explain how slow in and slow out works. As we can see, when the ball reaches its maximum velocity or its max height, the ball slows down to a halt before it falls back downwards and speeds up. From a physics perpsective, the kinectic energy of the ball that hits the rest transfers its kinectic energy from each of the balls towards the ball on the opposite end. When the energy reaches the ball on the opposite end, the ball swings up into the air and repeats the same process.

I did have some problems animating this as it was hard to determine what movement the balls in the middle would have so I went online to gather some research and found out that the ball in the middle has very little or no movement at all, whilst the balls on the opposing sides of the ball in the middle, swings towards the ball that is going upwards on its end.

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